My Customers
Our data offers insights about your business’s most important asset: your customers.

Use Data to Learn About Your Customers
The Census Business Builder (CBB) makes it easy to find information about the types of customers in your market.
Learn more about your customers’ profiles
Want to know more about the demographics of your customers? Our data can provide insights into the makeup of the people in your community. Our available information includes:
- Total population
- Population by key age ranges
- Population by race, ethnicity, and veteran status
Discover your customers’ socioeconomic and housing statuses
Wondering about your customers’ social and economic backgrounds? Our socioeconomic and housing data can help you learn more about your customers’ employment, household, and housing characteristics, including:
- Education levels
- Employment rates
- Average travel time to work
- Homeownership rate
- Average household size
- Median rent and owners' costs
Explore the consumer spending in your market
Curious about your customers’ needs in terms of goods and services? The consumer spending data in CBB can help you understand the types of products and services the customers are consuming and help guide decisions about which products and services your business should provide. This spending data includes information on:
- Alcoholic beverages
- Apparel
- Dining out
- Education
- Entertainment and recreation
- Food
- Healthcare and medical services
- Household services
- Transportation