Other Businesses Like Mine

Our data can help you better understand businesses in your same industry and area.

Use Data to Learn About Your Competition

You may be wondering, “How many other businesses like mine are there in my market?” The Census Business Builder can easily help you find information about your type of business.

Discover business patterns in your area

Need to know more about the types of similar businesses in your area? How about businesses in your area that might complement yours? Our summary-level economic data can help you by offering insights into how much competition you will have and what their revenue streams are like. Available information includes:

Become a competitive employer

Want to become a more-competitive employer in order to retain your best employees? Our data can help you determine the characteristics of other businesses like yours in your area so your employees will stay. Our information includes:

Other resources

Because we are unable to release data for specific businesses (including their names or addresses) due to federal law, users should check out third-party data providers for information on specific businesses in your area.

Learn more about your competition with Census Business Builder

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